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President's Newsletter – February 2024

Happy New Year to all!  I hope you have all received and read the beautiful 2023 issue of the OWL.  I’m so grateful to our editing and proofing team, Elizabeth Fulford, Lois Wing Smith and Cathy Kusnier for giving us a great volume full of stories, along with the many national and district WFA reports. 


The annual Sandwich, MA WFA reunion and membership meeting is just 4 months away, from June 21-23, 2024.  It’s not too early to mark your calendars and make those travel plans.  Our reunion chairs Christina Shipps and Sara Wing have planned a full weekend Details are on the WFA website (

I love reading the District Representative reports in The OWL because I learn of all the fun and creative ways our cousins get together.  I wish I could attend all of these gatherings.  Many of our districts are large in square miles but I know the District Reps are all open to gathering wherever and however (in person/virtual) cousins want to meet.  District Rep. email addresses/phone numbers are in The OWL and also on the website.  Reach out to them.


Our Genealogist, Mark Wing, completed the conversion of our WFA database to the latest version of Family Tree Maker.  This has helped us sync with our WFA tree on Ancestry. You can access this tree for free by contacting Mark at


The Communications Committee is redesigning our website.  The website URL will stay the same but soon you will see a new look, with more information on it and easier navigation.


The Museum Committee continues to meet regularly defining business practices of the Wing Family History Museum as well as preparing for the opening for this summer season.


I am very thankful to our many volunteers who help keep the WFA running so smoothly.  Reading The Owl you can see so many ways that people share their time and talent in this way.  We are always looking for more volunteers and I am sure my Wing cousins have many skills to share.  You don’t have to be on the WFA Board to help on a committee or other special project.   One very important role we are needing to fill this year is that of the WFA Treasurer.  If you are familiar with bookkeeping and QuickBooks, I’d love to hear from you.  Our current Treasurer is eager to work with the person who replaces her to train and ensure a smooth transition of the WFA accounting


Please consider making a donation to the Wing Family of America.  You can make a general fund donation or donate to the Endowment Fund.  Donations to the Endowment Fund will be matched.  This can be done directly at: or send a check to our Treasurer.  Additionally, please consider designating a gift to the Wing Family of America in your will. Please contact me or Jim Whitman for information.


Wishing all of you a safe, warm rest of winter which will soon give way to the beauty of spring! 


Beth Fisher, “Cousin Prez”

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